OLD - DUI Cases

Personal Injury & DUI Lawyer Facts

Edited by Doug Newborn

If you’re injured in a car accident with a drunk driver, why should you get a DUI lawyer? Here are 5 facts you might not have known.

Over the years, it’s been estimated that more than half of all personal injury auto claims in the US were caused by drunk drivers. That means half of all people injured in car accidents were injured by people under the influence. How? And if you’re been injured, what can a DUI lawyer do for you?

Any time you’re injured in a car accident, there are complications and important legal decisions you’ll need to make. When a drunk driver is involved, get a specialist who can help guide you through the unique process.

Fact 1: DUI Lawyers are often accessible around the clock

No, of course we don’t mean that lawyer’s offices are open 24-hours per day. But if you’ve been in a DUI accident, you can still immediately reach out to an attorney’s office. Leave a voicemail or submit a message online – you can be assured that as soon as someone is back in the office, they’ll return your contact. When you’re injured after an accident, you might be distracted, dealing with multiple effects, so don’t let it slide and forget to contact a lawyer right away. Even if they get back to you, you can rest easy knowing that it’s one less thing you have to remember.

Fact 2: DUI Lawyers can use any evidence you collect

You’ve probably heard that immediately after an accident, you should take photos or video of the damages, any injuries, and the other driver. This can help with your insurance claims, police reports, and any other resulting legal consequences. People’s memories are faulty – especially when they’re emotionally charged. Although you may think you recall every detail of the scene, or every word that the other person said or the tone of their voice, you will not remember everything accurately.

DUI lawyer paperwork

Immediately after an accident, start filming. Take pictures. Record audio. Collect all the evidence – names, dates, locations, weather conditions – that you can. If you are physically unable, ask someone else involved to record whatever details possible. Your DUI lawyer will be able to sort through all of it later.

Fact 3: DUI Lawyers can help you coordinate all the fall out

If you’re injured after being hit by a drunk driver, there can be overlapping types of fall out. Medical bills, car insurance, missed work – all these may require different and nuanced specialties. And then throw in DUI charges or drunk driving complications on top of that and you’ve got yourself a real mess.

That’s where your DUI lawyer comes in. They specialize in all these things – personal injury and car crash legalities, insurance negotiations, and coordinating civil and criminal cases. You may think that it won’t be a big deal, but the situation can often grow out of control, fast.

DUI Lawyer coordinates civil and criminal cases

Fact 4: DUI Lawyers help you through recovery

If you’re injured in a crash with a drunk driver – severely injured, including hospital time and advanced, long-term medical care – you don’t want to take on insurance companies and a civil case against the driver on your own. You want to focus on healing – you want to focus on your recovery. A DUI lawyer takes these stresses off your mind, helping to make sure that all your medical bills are paid on time and that your family is taken care of. In some cases, the drunk driving accident can leave people disabled and dealing with chronic long-term issues. If this is your situation, a DUI lawyer has the best chance of fighting for your rights for the care you deserve.

Fact 5: DUI Lawyers are not just for car crashes

What if you’re riding your bike and hit by a drunk driver? What if you’re in a boat and someone who is drunk-driving their boat (or another water vessel like a jet ski) crashes into you? What if you’re on foot or walking through a parking lot when you’re hit? What if the driver is on a scooter, motorized bike, 4-wheeler, or other vehicle?

No matter what the situation, if you are injured by a drunk driver – even if you are a passenger in a drunk driver’s car – it is worth discussing the details with a DUI lawyer. When you are injured, you deserve to know your rights.

About the author

Doug Newborn

Doug understands how to manage multiple areas of the law while bringing efficiency and a unique personal touch. In other words, you won’t be our only client, but our goal is to make you feel like you’re our only client.